miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Literature through History: Let's learn about Aztec Poetry

María García Esperón
May 7th, 1:00 p.m.—2:15 p.m.
Mary Idema Pew Library (Multipurpose Room) GVSU Allendale Campus

Literature through History: Let’s learn about Aztec Poetry (Presentation-Workshop in Spanish)
María García Esperón (Mexico City, 1964) is a Mexican author of Children and Young Adult Literature. She has won several prizes for her work: El Barco de Vapor 2004 (El disco del tiempo), Premio Hispanoamericano de poesía para niños 2005 (Tigres de la otra noche), Premio Latinoamericano de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Norma Fundalectura 2007 (Querida Alejandría). She is fond of History and tries to transmit her enthusiasm to young readers through her books. Her most recent novels are: Mi abuelo Moctezuma (2009), Copo de Algodón (2010), El anillo de César (2012) and Soma: La tumba de Alejandro (2014). She has published in Mexico, Spain and Colombia and she is currently living in Mexico City. María believes that we need to create a strong dialogue between cultures and dreams, so we can build a better present and future for our young generations.

Sponsored by: Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center, Modern Languages and Literatures Department, Multicultural Office, and Latin American Studies.
Contact: Prof. Natalia Gómez: gomezn@gvsu.edu


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